222357, Минская область, г. Воложин, ул. Горького, 23

по будням: 8.00 - 17.00, обед: 13.00 - 14.00
суббота: 9.00 - 14.00

Winter Olympics of workers of the agro-industrial complex took place in Kopyl


This is reported by the district newspaper "Slava Pratzy"

For the title of the strongest team representatives of 14 enterprises and organizations of the district fought. Jumping rope, basketball, tug-of-war, swimming, darts and programs in the fresh air - everyone could show their abilities. By the way, the team spirit, the presence of which, perhaps, was the main condition for winning the combined relay, played in favor of the PMK-11 team. The teams of Staritsa-Agro and Zhilihovo enterprises also appeared on the podium.

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